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Non-qualified Annuities Retirement Savings

Flexible options to assist you in saving for retirement.

WoodmenLife Video Annuities 101

Are you thinking about purchasing an annuity? Discover how annuities work and how they can help you save for retirement.

Qualified vs Non-Qualified Annuity?

What is the difference between a qualified and non-qualified annuity? There are a few differences and similarities between qualified and non-qualified annuities.


Qualified is just IRS language for funding with pre-tax dollars, meaning the contribution itself could qualify for a tax deduction, lowering taxable income. When you take a distribution from a qualified annuity, the entire distribution amount (contributions and earnings) is subject to ordinary income taxes.


A non-qualified annuity is funded with after-tax dollars, meaning you have already paid taxes on the money before it goes into the annuity. When you take money out, only the earnings are taxable as ordinary income.

Plus, you can purchase a non-qualified annuity regardless of whether or not you are covered under a retirement plan at work or if you have a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA.

Comparing Qualified and Non-Qualified Annuities

Here is a more complete list of the similarities and differences between qualified and non-qualified annuities:

Qualified Annuities

Non-Qualified Annuities

Tax-deferred contributions and earnings

Tax-deferred earnings

Penalty for early withdrawal

Penalty for early withdrawal

Invest pre-tax dollars

Invest after-tax dollars

Individual must have earned income

No earned income requirement

IRS contribution limits

No IRS contribution limits; WoodmenLife limits contributions to $25,000 per year

In most cases, withdrawals must begin by age 73

No federal withdrawal rules, but there could be state laws

Tax-Deferred Retirement Savings1

When saving for your later years, non-qualified annuities offer you the potential for tax-deferred earnings and steady flow of income after you retire.

Non-Qualified Tax Advantages

  • An additional income stream when you retire

  • Earnings grow tax-deferred until withdrawn2

  • Longer age limits on contributions

  • No Required Minimum Distributions at age 73

Retirement Considerations

You also need to consider how you will receive your annuity proceeds at retirement. Typically, annuitants do this in one of three ways:

  • A lump sum payment – could result in significant tax liability, especially if it moves you into a higher tax bracket

  • Fixed payments for life

  • A fixed amount for a certain period of time

Choosing one of the “fixed payment” alternatives spreads the tax liability over time, because only the earnings are taxed.

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  1. WoodmenLife, its employees and Representatives are not authorized to give tax or legal advice. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel.

  2. You may be subject to income tax on all or part of the amount withdrawn. In addition, you will pay a 10% federal income tax penalty on earnings you withdraw before age 59 1/2, unless you qualify for an IRA penalty exception.

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NOTE: In some states, Medicare Supplement certificates (all plans in CO) are available to those eligible for Medicare due to a disability, regardless of age. In VA, Plan A is available to those under 65 with a disability.

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