Investments Optimize Your Investment Potential
Find which investment options are best for the retirement you want.
Find which investment options are best for the retirement you want.
You’ve worked hard and finally the time has come to plan for your retirement. There are many things to consider, including whether or not you have enough money to retire, how long that money will last, is your money in a safe place and how will you invest your money. These are all questions you need to ask yourself. Know that you're not alone and we're here to help. And remember that it’s never too late to start planning for your retirement.
Email: WFSOperationsTeam@woodmenlife.org
Call: 1-877-664-3332
Mail: Woodmen Financial Services, Inc.
1700 Farnam Street, Suite 2560
Omaha, NE 68102-2015
Investments are available through Woodmen Financial Services, Inc. (WFS). Visit our About page to learn more and access the Regulation Best Interest Disclosure and the Customer Relationship Summary.
When you’re ready to think about retirement and planning for the future, it’s time to consult a trusted WoodmenLife Financial Representative. He or she can help you:
Examine your finances
Determine your goals
Map out a timeline
Evaluate your risk tolerance
Create and implement a customized solution, which may include:
Monitor progress and rebalance as necessary
For most investors, financial goals, like retirement, are a ways away. Ride out short-term volatility and stay focused on the long-term performance of your investments.
Dollar cost averaging (DCA)1 is an impressive-sounding name for a simple strategy: investing a pre-determined amount of money on a regular basis, such as once a month. DCA takes the emotion and guesswork out of investing and makes this important wealth-building activity a habit.
Even if you invest a relatively small amount of money on a regular basis, you may still be able to pursue large goals over time thanks to the power of compounding. This is when your previous earnings from an investment remain invested and in turn earn more money for you.
Mutual funds were first created in the 1920s, and today, millions of Americans depend on these investments to build retirement savings.
College is expensive. Students can easily spend six figures on a four-year degree.
Make smart choices for your future. We can help you find the best way to reach your goals.
Not all Representatives are licensed to sell all products.
Dollar cost averaging can neither guarantee a profit nor prevent against a loss. Because it involves continuous investment in the securities regardless of fluctuating price levels of such securities, you should consider your financial ability to continue to invest through periods of low prices before participating in this program.
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