NY Residents
New York Residents Only: Confidentiality Protocols for Victims of Domestic Violence and Endangered Individuals
This information is posted as required by New York Law §2612 and 11NYCRR 244 Regulation 168
New York Insurance Law §2612 provides that if any person covered by an insurance policy delivers to an insurer at its home office a valid court order of protection against the policyholder or other person covered by the policy, the insurer is prohibited from disclosing to the policyholder or other person the address and telephone number of the insured or of any person or entity providing covered services to the insured. If a child is a covered person, the child's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may deliver the valid order of protection to the insurer at its home office on behalf of the child.
If you or your child are a victim of domestic violence and deliver to WoodmenLife at its home office a valid order of protection, WoodmenLife will take the necessary steps to, except with the express consent of the victim, keep the following information confidential during the duration of the protection order and not disclose to the policyholder:
The address and telephone number of the victim of domestic violence, or any child residing with the victim.
The name, address and telephone number of a person providing covered services to the victim.
To request confidentiality, the victim or his/her legal representative must deliver to WoodmenLife at the following address a valid court order of protection:
Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society
Attn: Legal Department 1700 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68102
Web 305 R-2/17