An older white couple peers through the window

Benefits Medicare Supplement


The Hartford/Benistar
Group Number AGP 6003
(for residents of KS, MD, MT, NY & OR)
Group Number AGP 6040
(for residents of all other states)
Telephone 1-800-236-4782

Through a partnership with The Hartford and Mercer, a supplemental retiree health plan is available to eligible WoodmenLife retirees and their spouses who are also eligible for Medicare. The plan is a Medicare Supplement Plan F, which pays 100% of the Medicare-approved charges on almost all medical services after Medicare pays. This plan will only supplement claims for those enrolled in original Medicare. A schedule of all the benefits will be provided by Mercer.

Eligible dependents include:

  • Legally married spouse, according to federal law;

  • Married or unmarried children up to age 26, including stepchildren, legally adopted grandchildren, and children under court-appointed guardianship

  • Disabled children

Premium Chart - Medicare Supplement

Monthly Premiums

Retiree Years of Service

Retiree (Medicare-Eligible)

Spouse (Medicare-Eligible)

30 years and over



20 to 29 years



5 to 19 years



Please remember the total monthly retiree premium you pay is determined by adding the retiree, spouse and children premium amounts together, which may include Medicare premiums.


Medicare Pays

Hartford Plan Pays

You Pay

Hospital Confinement Benefit1

Semi-private room and board, general nursing and miscellaneous services and supplies:

Semi-private room and board, general nursing and miscellaneous services and supplies:

All but $1,484



61st through 90th day

All but $371 per day

$371 per day


91st through 150th day (60-day Lifetime Reserve Period)

All but $742 per day

$742 per day


Once Lifetime Reserve days are used (or would have ended if used) additional 365 days of confinement per person per life-time




Beyond the Additional 365 days



All costs

Skilled Nursing Facility Care

Semi-private room and board, skilled nursing and rehabilitative services, and other services and supplies. You must meet Medicare’s requirements, including having been in a hospital for at least three days and entered a Medicare-approved facility within 30 days after leaving the hospital:

First 20 days

All approved amounts



21st through 100th day

All but $185.50 per day

Up to $185.50 per day


101st through 365th day



All costs

Hospice Care

Pain relief, symptom management and support services for terminally ill:

As long as Physician certifies the need

All costs, but limited to costs for outpatient drug and inpatient respite care

Co-insurance charges for inpatient respite care, drugs and biologicals approved by Medicare

All other charges

Blood Deductible

Hospital Confinement and Outpatient Medical Expenses when furnished by a hospital or skilled nursing facility during a covered stay:

First three pints




Additional amounts




Outpatient Medical Expenses

In or Out of the Hospital and Outpatient Hospital Treatment, such as Physician’s services, Inpatient and Outpatient medical and surgical services and supplies, physical and speech therapy, diagnostic tests, durable medical equipment:

Medicare Part B Deductible
First $203 of Medicare-approved amounts




Remainder of Medicare-approved amounts

Generally 80%



Part B Excess Charges cover the difference between the actual Medicare Part B charge as billed and the Medicare-approved Part B charge.




Outpatient Medical Expenses

In or Out of the Hospital and Outpatient Hospital Treatment, such as Physician’s services, Inpatient and Outpatient medical and surgical services and supplies, physical and speech therapy, diagnostic tests, durable medical equipment:

Medicare Part B Deductible
First $185 of Medicare-approved amounts




Remainder of Medicare-approved amounts

Generally 80%



Part B Excess Charges cover the difference between the actual Medicare Part B charge as billed and the Medicare-approved Part B charge.




PayPreventive Medical Care & Cancer Screenings2

Coverage for expenses incurred by a covered person for physical exams, preventive screening tests and services, cancer screenings, and any other tests or preventive measures determined to be appropriate by the attending Physician. Refer to your “Medicare and You” handbook for more information on Preventive services.

“Welcome to Medicare” Physical Exam-within first 12 months of Part B enrollment




Annual Wellness Visit








Preventive Care Cancer Screening Benefits

generally 100% for most preventative screenings



Foreign Travel Emergency

Medically necessary emergency care services beginning during the first 60 days of each trip outside the United States:

First $250 each Calendar Year



$250 deductible

Remainder of charges


80% of (to a lifetime maximum of $50,000)

20% of expenses incurred (to a lifetime maximum of $50,000, 100% thereafter)

ScriptSave® Benefit

Members of the WoodmenLife family are eligible for a prescription drug savings card. This discount, administered by ScriptSave®, provides you with discounts at participating pharmacies. To request a card or to inquire about this benefit, call ScriptSave® Cardholder Services at 1-800-700-3957. You can also enroll online by visiting and referring to Group #394A.

Coordination of Benefits

You cannot use the WoodmenLife prescription drug savings card in conjunction with other prescription drug programs. If you reach your annual maximum benefit, ask your pharmacist which option will provide you with the greatest savings. (The ScriptSave® discount is NOT creditable coverage.)


Medicare amounts as of Jan. 1, 2019.

  1. A benefit period begins on the first day you receive service as an inpatient in a hospital and ends after you have been out of the hospital and have not received skilled care in any other facility for 60 days in a row.

  2. If any of the cancer screening tests are not covered by Medicare, the plan will pay the usual and customary charges incurred.

The summary of program benefits described herein is for illustrative purposes only. In case of differences or errors, the Group Policy governs.

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Retirement Plans


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Monday – Thursday
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT

7:00 AM – 12:00 PM CT

For Medicare Supplement


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Our Mission

Uniting hardworking Americans to secure their financial future while strengthening our communities and country.

The information on this page is a partial description of benefits, limitations, exclusions, and other provisions of the group benefits provided by Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society (WoodmenLife). If there is a difference between the information in this summary and the plan document for each plan, the plan documents govern. Eligibility requirements apply to each of the benefits offered, criteria may include employment status and/or individual qualifications. For more detailed information, refer to the Summary Plan Description of each plan. WoodmenLife may amend these plans at any time. The description of the plan is not a guarantee of benefits and should not be construed as such.

This is the Life is a registered service mark of Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society.

This is a solicitation of insurance and an agent/producer may contact you.

WoodmenLife Medicare Supplement plans are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.

NOTE: In some states, Medicare Supplement certificates (all plans in CO) are available to those eligible for Medicare due to a disability, regardless of age. In VA, Plan A is available to those under 65 with a disability.

Securities are offered through Woodmen Financial Services, Inc. (WFS), 1700 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68102, member FINRA/SIPC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society (collectively “WoodmenLife”). Securities other than the WoodmenLife Variable Annuity are issued by companies that are not affiliated with WoodmenLife. This material is intended for general use with the public. WFS is not providing investment advice for any individual or any individual situation, and you should not look to this material for any investment advice. WFS has financial interests that are served by the sale of these products or services.

WoodmenLife Extras are available to members. An individual becomes a member by joining our shared commitment to family, community and country, and by purchasing a product. These extras are not contractual, are subject to change and have specific eligibility requirements, such as length of membership, number of qualifying members in household and/or qualifying event.

Check out the background of Woodmen Financial Services, Inc. on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.

Business Continuity Plan | All products may not be available in all states. | Not all Representatives are licensed to sell all products.

A+ Financial Rating

Effective Feb. 1, 2024, WoodmenLife is rated A+ Superior, the second highest ranking out of 13, by AM Best for our financial strength and operating performance. For the latest Best’s Credit Rating, access

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This Site is not intended for access outside of the United States, including those individuals who reside in the European Economic Area (“EEA”). WoodmenLife makes no representation that materials on the Site are appropriate or available for use in locations outside of the United States, and accessing them from territories where their contents are illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to access the Site from outside of the United States do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

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© 2024 Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society
Omaha, Nebraska